Financial products, review of tax and financial systems, review of Social Security contribution systems

5.1 System review of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).  ERP review is intended to provide for administrators an evaluation of the integrated management of all areas of the company, with principal focus on information flows that are developed by the ERP with data that the enterprise itself possesses. Review seeks out inconsistencies and redundancies, errors and failures in setting parameters and customization of the ERP system used by our clients.

 Once inconsistencies, errors, and failures have been identified, our team produces an ‘opportunity report’ to share with the client’s administrator, allowing the following measures: 1. Correct the failures in parameter and customization settings; 2. Claim unused tax credits, whether from errors de facto or de jure, (e.g.. credits of the Federal taxes like PIS and COFINS); 3. Implement improvements to internal processes; 4. Seek to address possible contingencies exposed, or other issues that our team may have uncovered and presented.


5.2 Review of systems with focus on Social Security contribution questions

We have a systems auditing team able to review contribution records for our clients, so that we can detect the same type of errors of those of ERP systems. The focus here is on procedures that result in social security obligations.

We seek out improvement opportunities, in parameter setting corrections as well as solutions to possible contingencies

Social Security contributions. Social Security contributions were initially created to be based on remuneration corresponding to work activities, that is, on services rendered by employees of a firm. As it stands currently, the State demands collection of contributions on total amounts paid by companies to its employees, without determination as to whether these payments are in their entirety remuneration, in flagrant violation of law and the constitution. In light of this, RGAA argues before the courts for the exclusion of the payments inappropriate for calculation as part of the social security base, with the goal of considerably reducing the tax burden on the business.

Additionally, we evaluate social security contributions and other items in the business’s payroll and withholdings accounting for inappropriate payments, whether the result of faults in the system, or from unwarranted collections by the taxing authority.


In these circumstances, with appropriate intervention, current improper withholdings can be eliminated and amounts improperly withheld previously can be recovered through judicial action.


5.3 Regarding possible recovery of taxes already paid.

Our litigation team allied with our tax and accounting professionals evaluate initiatives previously taken before the courts, seeking a conservative approach for recovery of certain contributions. Consult the discussion threads in our articles on the blogosphere RGAA.


5.4 Tax incentives.

RGAA possesses the know how for structuring transactions to take full advantage of tax incentives, including access to land, exoneration or deferred municipal, state, or federal taxes, and other benefits.