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The Hospitality Business In Brazil

The Hospitality Business In Brazil – 2018: all Brazilian cities showed growth in the number of hotels. For the next 4 years more than R$ 4 billion in investments has been confirmed. – Lack of rooms in several capitals and tourist sites: this shows the enormous space for newcomers and the potential expansion of the...

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The great territorial extension of Brazil and the partition of the competence to collect state taxes generated for many years a Fiscal War between the States

Mainly the incentives are focused on ICMS, there are variations depending on the state. Some states, for example, encourage the construction of industries by granting specific incentives to reduce construction materials’ ICMS to the case of application in the installation or modernization of industrial park. It is important to know that all state tax incentives...

Mergers and acquisitions transactions carried out in February

Mergers and acquisitions: 63 transactions carried out in February / 19

Growth of 3.3% of mergers and acquisitions businesses in the Brazilian market in February / 19. There were 63 transactions, a growth of 3.3% over the same month last year, when 61 transactions were disclosed. In financial volume, these transactions moved about R $ 8.7 billion, down 25.1% over the same month of the previous...

BRF sells factories abroad to Tyson Foods

BRF sells factories abroad to Tyson Foods for $ 340 million

BRF signed a $ 340 million ($ 1.258 billion) buy-out of Tyson Foods operations in Thailand and Europe on Thursday, considering the closing of the US currency yesterday. The transaction was announced at 5 pm by Tyson. In practice, the sale of the operations in Europe and Thailand (four factories in the Asian country, one...

Mergers and acquisitions up

Mergers and acquisitions up 26% and move R $ 121.4bn through September, says Anbima

Mergers and acquisitions grew 26% in September compared to the same period last year, totaling R $ 121.4 billion, according to statistics from the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Markets Entities (Anbima). In the number of operations, however, the outlook is the opposite, with 68 transactions carried out this year, against 99 from January...


Second quarter breaks record of mergers and acquisitions

Second quarter breaks record of mergers and acquisitions The Brazilian market may present a record number of mergers and acquisitions this year, if it maintains the pace of transactions presented in the first half of the year. In the second quarter, and in the last 12 months, until June, there was a record number of...

Appeals to Superior Courts

Appeals to Superior Courts

Appeals to Superior Courts The Judge, in exercising his role of enforcer of the law, in a certain way, creates the right, and not only reproduces it (as was the earliest and retrograde view of his role). The function of the Judge goes beyond, “inventing” the right, within pre-defined parameters, obviously, and not at his...

Wave of acquisitions shakes up e-commerce, companies are strengthening

Wave of acquisitions shakes up e-commerce, companies are strengthening

Wave of acquisitions shakes up e-commerce Nielsen is close to buying Ebit consultancy, specializing in e-commerce. Webmotors, the largest Brazilian site for buying and selling cars, acquires the Loop auctioneer. Nielsen is close to buying Busbit’s Ebit consultancy, strengthening its business in e-commerce. The operation was approved this week, without restrictions, by Cade (Administrative Council...

Labor reform only applies to new contract

Labor reform only applies to new contract, says TST

Labor reform only applies to new contract, says TST For the court, most of the procedural changes provided for in the new legislation do not apply to cases initiated before November 11 of last year The plenary of the Higher Labor Court (TST) approved the opinion produced by a committee of ministers that provides that...