In December 2015 the RGAA completed 10 years of history. Shortly before this date, I began to reflect on this important time and moment of my professional life and the lives of those who have accompanied me throughout this time.
I tried to go back to the past, to remember what I had glimpsed and drawn the moment we started. A lot of plans. Many goals. Several mental images of the goals and places we wanted to reach.
Before our fraternization to celebrate this important date (bringing together our partners, collaborators, associates and good friends) I sat down again to think of the words I would say to everyone. I came to the conclusion that pretty much everything we planned, dreamed, and aimed at did not happen.
You must be asking yourself, “So the office was a big flop?” The answer is no”. The fact is that the office resembles a living organism. It has evolved. She molded herself. Adapted. He suffered hard blows along the way. Like the ones we’ve suffered throughout our lives. And like a good warrior, he stood up and moved on. Looking to learn with your scars.
No. None of the early dreams came true exactly as we dreamed it out. They have changed into something much better and more consistent. The vision we had initially was comparable to the sight of boys who long for a beautiful Italian sports car when they grow up. What we realized is that having the sports car could be very good. But we needed something more. Something solid and long lasting.
Today I can say that we have reached our fullness in relation to these 10 years. We have achieved much success in everything we have done. Our clients have been and have stayed with us on this great journey. Almost everyone stays with us to this day. I’m glad the initial dream did not come true exactly as we wanted. For another much better and more concrete was solidified.
I would be hypocritical if I said that we achieved absolutely everything we planned. There is still much. But we are much more prepared. And after many years of work we are increasingly solid and committed. Now comes a new moment. Time to think about the next 10 years. Where are we going to be. Where we want to be. Now it’s time, yes, to put daring goals. Use all the experience we’ve gained along the way. A huge challenge ahead. As a symbol of this new phase, we put our new website on the air today. With a new language that reflects much more our current spirit. And in this blogosphere – one of our innovations – we will share some of our knowledge – one of our main values - and our visions about the law, the Brazilian market, and our operations. We hope it is a useful tool.
And that over the next 10 years, we may find ourselves on here!
Carlos Rebelo Gloger mz
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